Why Bollywood Award Shows Struggle To Stay Relevant

What is the primary thing that strikes a chord when you consider 'Oscars' or 'Brilliant Globes'? Distinction. It's not a similar with regards to desi partners like the 60-year-old 'Filmfare Awards' or the considerably more youthful 'Life OK Screen Awards' (21-year-old). 'Oscars', 'Brilliant Globes' and 'Filmfare' make them thing in like manner - along heritage spreading over finished 50 years. Oscar celebrates 87th year in 2015 through Golden Globes celebrates 72nd year. Hollywood honors are known for their reasonable and straightforward process in choosing the victors. More than 6000 world class Academy individuals vote in favor of Oscars to choose the yearly champs. With respect to Golden Globes, it constitutes 93 conspicuous writers from everywhere throughout the world, who are individuals from Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA), in the voting board. When thinking back, we can see that these two noteworthy honors had a smooth keep running without numerous debates scrutinizing their authenticity and the determination procedure. Obviously, a figured crusading can even now influence the Oscar and Golden Globe voters - to some degree (as we saw on account of Shakespeare In Love in 1999 and Crash in 2015)! Forgetting about such minor hiccups, these honors keep on staying pertinent and esteemed. The same can't be said in regards to the Bollywood grants. Particularly since we have twelve new honor appears, the notoriety is the exact opposite thing they are worried about.
Where are Bollywood grants heading? 

All things considered, it's not going to a pleasant place - that is sure! Contentions and debasement make it hard for the Award shows to remain important and critical. Talking about Filmfare grants, it's a famous honor. The endorsers of the Filmfare magazine choose the victors through voting (be that as it may, they presented pundit's decision grants for few noteworthy classifications to make it less dull). As we as a whole know, open isn't generally the best judge with regards to nature of films, acting, and specialized ability. As Oscars understood, the general population who work in the business are the best to judge the value of a film or craftsman. Presently it's past the point of no return for Filmfare honors to change their configuration. In this way, we should not dog them on that issue. Be that as it may, at any rate, they can be straightforward and reasonable in the way in which they select the mainstream grants. In the event that you investigate, giving great exhibitions and turning point motion pictures, Aamir Khan and his motion pictures constantly missed Filmfare grants. Same can be said in regards to Ajay Devgn too. To revive your memory, both Aamir Khan and Ajay Devgn talked against the governmental issues behind honor appears. Aamir Khan boycotted all the honor appears (obviously, with the exception of National Awards and Oscars). Over and over, we hear charges that these honors are 'settled'. It's not simply stars, fans likewise have talked against the messy picture behind honors. 

Honor demonstrates have turned into a gigantic broadcast occasion in India including enormous cash. So TRP matters. Who brings TRP? Huge stars, who else! Try not to imagine that it's distinctive in Hollywood. ABC, which is under contract to communicate Oscars until 2020, resorts to a wide range of bazaar to build the TRP of Oscars (did you overlook Ellen Degenerator's selfie stunt amid a year ago's Oscar Ceremony?) However, in Hollywood huge stars don't request cash or supports to go to these honors. In the event that they are named, they will appear at celebrity central and benevolently cheer the champ regardless of their sharp misfortunes. They comprehend the way that keeping up a solid biological system of honors is a need for guaranteeing quality. In Bollywood, we hear a wide range of stories about the crazy requests of stars with regards to going to grant appears.' If you are not going to give me an honor and after that don't try sending a welcome' - this is by all accounts the adage of the greater part of the significant stars, as per different reports. This prompts silly honor classes. For the 'best on-screen character' class, some honor demonstrates offer up to 5 distinct honors (best performing artist in a spine-chiller, best on-screen character in a dramatization, best on-screen character in a parody and goes on)! At that point, they design extremely imaginative honor classes to oblige a specific requesting performing artist! There was a current discussion with respect to music grants, where Honey Singh was given best music executive honor overlooking AR Rahman and Amit Trivedi! 

Bollywood fans have been examining about the pointlessness of Bollywood grants via web-based networking media like Twitter and Facebook. It would appear that everybody with the exception of honor demonstrates coordinators knows about this developing feedback. Talking about Oscars, we have something comparable in Bollywood. IIFA (Indian International Film Awards), which came into the presence in 2000, is a worldwide Bollywood grant indicate where designations and champs are chosen by peers in the business. The lustrous honor work is typically held in a worldwide setting outside India. By the by, they continue respecting the slightest merited champs. Besides, they are not long ways behind with regards to comical classifications. 

So, Bollywood grant scene is a major chaos at the present time. This can be to a great extent credited to the way that industry is muddled deeply. They don't have solidarity - they don't have useful associations for the performers and specialists. In the event that they had, it would have been less demanding for them to direct their own honor indicate displayed on Oscars. All things considered, a trusted outside organization (an office named PricewaterhouseCoopers has the duty regarding arranging Oscar votes) can deal with the voting procedure to stay away from governmental issues and debasement. Likewise, it would constrain the stars to go to the honors without requesting favors. Such a move could tidy up the framework. However, who will do that? The main on-screen characters are at loggerheads constantly. They battle about everything and their icy wars and camp frameworks are notorious in Bollywood. So it would be excessive to anticipate that they will take care of this chaos.